How To Achieve Success in the Entertainment Industry Expert Astrological Advice from Astrologer Anand Soni
Horoscope Combinations For Success in the TV & Films Field
- If all the angles are tenanted by benefits that are aspected by malefic in the four Kendra houses such a native gets much success in TV & films.
- If aries be the rising sunand there be a conjunction of the moon , mars and Jupiter the native gets exalted position in the field of performing arts
- The lord of the th house be a benefic and conjoined with / or aspected by a benefic the native occupies an elevated position in his profession of acting .
- If the lord of an angle conjoined with the lord of a trine an ideal position for getting success in any field all the more good if the lord for the 10th house be occupying the position with the lord of the 9th house . If the lords of all the four angle conjoin with the lords of both the trines 5th or 9th it is most excellent position for success in any field. The results are extremely good if the conjunction takes place in a good house preferably in 10th , 1st , 9th , 4th , 7th or 5th in the descending order . One important consideration however is that there should be no conjunction for the lord / lords of the 3rd, 6th, 8th or 11 the house. The association for the lords of these houses is a pulling down weight. But when one and the same planet is the lord of an angle or trine and one of these four houses it is not so bad . It should also be noted that instead of conjunction stated above there should be a mutual full aspect it si treated as equally offensive.
- If there is conjunction of the moon , mercury , venus in taurus in the 11th house and the sun be in aries and jupiter in exaltation in the first the native must shine in the field of performing arts .
- If the moon in taurus be in the ascendant and aspected by venus and the malefic are conjoined in 3rd or 6th or some in third and other in sixth very eminent position shall be attained by the native in the film world .
- Full moon aspected by its dispositor in exaltation good name and fame. This is possible only when the moon is in aries and aspected by mars in capricorn or the moon is in pisces aspected by jupiter in cancer . The effect would be much better if both the moon and jupiter in their own exalted navamass also .
- Jupiter and venus together in second from the ascendant very good position with all wealth and comforts.
- Full moon aspected by his dispositor , venus and a benefic is a very good configuration for position along with wealth provided the moon is not conjoined with or aspected by a benefic .
- Mercury , jupiter and venus conjoined in second from the sun provided all the three are not combust top position in profession .
- The moon and jupiter together in cancer high position and all comforts all the more better if this combination take place in kendra houses .
- The exalted moon in taurus fully aspecting mercury and venus a glamorous profession with a high degree of success .
- If any one of the following planets full moon , mercury , jupiter or venus aspected by friendly planets the native reaches the top ladder of his profession preferably in the visual media .
- Full moon in aries navamass fully aspected by Jupiter takes one to dizzy heights in one’s profession provided the moon is not expected by any other planet and no planet is in the sign of debilitation.
- If any of the following planets jupiter , venus or mercury be in kendra house and mars in the 10th house the native gets success in the desired profession particularly connected with fine arts and raises the entire standard of his family .
- Jupiter in taurus , moon in gemini , mars in capricorn , saturn in leo , mercury and sun in virgo and venus in libra forms this special yoga bestowing all comforts , riches on the native. Not only the native becomes successful but he helps make many succeed under his or her guidance .
- For a male born during day time if the ascendant sign the moon sign and the sun sign all the three are in uneven sign 1,3, 5, 7 ,9 , 11 and for a female born during night time if her all the three signs lagna the moon sign and the sun sign happen to be in the even sign 2, 4, 6 , 8 10 , 12 the native becomes extremely lucky to get success in whatever profession he or she chooses .Success becomes his maiden and all riches affluence comforts become his or her merely at aspiring . He or she great renown .
- If a native be born on auspicious day / soft day like monday , wednesday , thursday or friday and if the owner of these days moon , mercury , jupiter and venus be placed together with the sun the native becomes extremely famous and renowned .
- If the auspicious / naturally benefic planets be posited in the 2nd , 7th , or 12th house from the ascendant or its lord’s position the native becomes an influential as to make the authority of the day honor him or her . Very noble he becomes master in many arts and an epitome of all that is decent in life .
- If the lord of the ascendant jupiter or venus be placed in a kendra house with the lord of the 9th house also strongly placed the native becomes a successful artist and shows his or her worth in a variety of fields .
- Jupiter in 10th house with mercury and venus. Venus and moon or mercury and moon be also posited in that house the native gets royal patronage and succeeds in his or her pursuits even with nominal effect.
- A powerful lagna lord preferably mercury or venus with jupiter placed in a kendra 1st , 7th , 4th , or 10th house as the lord of the 2nd , 5th or 11th house and either the lagna lord or the 9th lord be placed in a kendra house the native gets long lasting fame for his achievement in the performing arts .
- If the moon be placed in the 1st lagna with jupiter in kendra position from it and the sun be in pisces be placed in 5th or 9th house the native becomes as much affluent and resourceful as to make thousands other successful under his guidance . his or her achievements would be many all over the world .
- If the native has powerful moon digitally ( the moon becomes digitally strong between 10th lunar day of the bright and 8th lunar day of the the dark half fortnight ) as well as positionally in the upachaya 3rd , 6th , 10th or 11th house with auspicious planets moon , mercury , and Jupiter in their own signs or inauspicious navamass while in auspicious planets be weak this combination makes the native as powerful as the divine chief indra so claim the ancient texts .
- If the lagna is aspected by a powerful planet and the owner of the moon sign be placed in its fast friend’s sign or its exaltation the native becomes an eminent artist with many achievement to his credit .
- If jupiter be in exaltation sign in kendra or trikona house receiving aspect either mercury , moon or venus this yoga ensures great success to the native in any profession needing his elocutionary skills .
- If venus be powerful enough and placed in a kendra or trikona house unaspected by an evil or hostile planet the a native becomes brave , deft , and capable enough to realize his artistic ambitions .
- If jupiter is placed in the 5th or 9th house from venus . Moon in the 5th house from jupiter and the sun in a kendra house from moon such a native becomes eminently capable to win people’s heart by his smooth oratory skills and often becomes a great artist renowned for his speaking prowess .
- If mercury be in lagna 4th lord is an auspicious planet like Jupiter or the moon aspected by other naturally benefic planet the native becomes popular artist .
- If the sun be in the 10th house and saturn in the 3rd house both unaspected by hostile planets the native will have to do much struggle in acquiring success and renown but his fame will last long . Saturn gives the native such tenacity as may not allow him to rest till he or she achieves the desired aim .
- If the moon be of full digits full moon with either Jupiter or venus in the 9th house and associated with mercury navamass the native becomes renowned for his logical analysis and speaking skill to become a class tv anchor person .
- If four to five planets be having directional strength ( if mercury or jupiter be placed in the lagna or the first house they get directional strength if they are placed in 4th house . Similarly mars and saturn get directional strength if they are placed in the 10th house. Saturn gets directional strength if it is placed in the 7th house . A planet which gets additional directional strength is deemed to be powerful .
- If jupiter , venus , mercury or the moon be placed in the 1st house or in any other kendra house the native will be famous and successful merely because of captivating physical appearance . This yoga is particularly notable in the case of the tv and film artists or those whose appearance plays a key role in their profession.
- If venus and jupiter be in a kendra house with lagna having a moveable sign chara sign like aries , cancer , libra or capricorn and saturnine exaltation in a kendra house the native will have a divine spark in his personality to influence the masses . Naturally such a native will excel in tv and films field .
- If the lagna and 5th lord exchange house and are in their own exaltation rashi ( signs ) or navamass the native will enjoy all comforts and luxuries owing to his powerful intellect and ability to express himself or herself forcefully.
- If benefits are in the 2nd , 4th , 5th from lagna lord and their karaka and are also associated with other benefics or aspected by them the native shall be a man with captivating skills .
- If venus and the 5th lord join taurus or libra and the 9th lord be occupied by jupiter the native will earn through his or her artistic talent and shall be a very rich person .
- If the moon and venus are in the third from each other the native becomes a popular poet to have his songs sungs by millions .
- The native will become a renowned artist if the sun in his natal chart be in the earlier part of sagittarius with moon also there in and saturn in libra , mars in capricorn .
- An exalted moon aspected by a powerful venus and own house mercury will make a renowned tv artist .
- A native of cancer i.e the ascendant be cancer with full moon therein . Mars and saturn in the 3rd , venus in the 4th and sun in the 6th . Mercury in the 7th and Jupiter in the 10th house will be a master artist creating his or her own school of acting .
- If jupiter , venus , mercury be together in any house aspected by the moon of full digits the native will become a renowned artist .
- If venus and jupiter be in a trine house together and the moon in a kendra house and saturn be aspecting venus and Jupiter the native becomes a renowned actor capable of holding interest of his admirers for many generations

Auspicious Position Of Planets In Horoscope For Success In Tv & Films Field
- Sun is auspicious if placed in house 3 ,6, 10 , 11
- Moon is auspicious if placed in house 1, 3, 6, 7 10, 11
- Jupiter is auspicious if placed in house 2, 5, 7, 9, 11
- Uranus ( Rahu ) is auspicious if placed in house 1, 9
- Mercury is auspicious if placed in house 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11
- Venus is auspicious if placed in house 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 8 , 11 , 12
- Neptune ( Ketu ) is auspicious if placed in house 1 , 7 , 9 , 10
- Saturn is auspicious if placed in house 3 , 6 , 11
- Mars is auspicious if placed in house 3, 6, 11
Yogas Required For Success In Tv & Films Field
- Gajakesari Yoga It is a very potent yoga that takes the native to the top of the ladder in any profession including the field of performing arts . When the moon is in kendra ( 1st , 4th , 7th 10 th house ( or position) to jupiter the native is blessed with a keen intellect and the capacity to influence even a large gathering / audience / view etc .
- Ruchika Yoga When mars occupies his own sign particularly in a good home preferably a kendra house the native gets this yoga which makes him a man of action .Such natives excel well in the roles requirement much movement of the body limbs .
- Hansa Yoga When Jupiter be placed in its exaltation in a kendra house this yoga is formed . Such natives reach to the top of their professional ladder and live upto ripe old age ( 85 years ) .
- Bhadra Yoga When mercury be placed in its exaltation sign in a kendra house . bhadra yoga results .Those who have this yoga excel in the profession needing highly developed communication skill ( like films and tv )
- Malavya Yoga When venus be placed in its exaltation ( or own sign ) in a kendra ) in a kendra house this yoga gets constituted . For anyone delving in the fine arts sphere the presence of this yoga makes him a spectacular success .
- Shasha Yoga When saturn be in its exaltation or own sign placed in a kendra this yoga results . The native gets much tenacity to struggle and succeed in the profession requiring much perseverance like films and tv .
- Valkali Yoga All the seven planets( barring rahu & ketu ) if they occupy one house each beginning from lagna consecutively this yoga comes into effect . The native will be specially talented in music and fine arts .
- Chatussagara Yoga If all four kendra house be occupied by strong planets irrespective of their being malefic or benefic this yoga comes into effect. Such a native succeeds tremendously in all profession whatever and becomes an illustrious member of his family.
- Chattra Yoga Barring rahu and ketu if all the sweven houses from the 7th house be occupied with planets is it were hang a canopy over the native’s head to protect him from all disturbance distress etc . The native gets success no manners what profession he or she chooses.
- Vikram Yoga Rule 1 Venus in the 2nd , jupiter in the 10th and rahu in the 6th house constitute the Vikram yoga whose effect makes the native chivalrous , intelligent and prudent to succeed in his pursuits and enjoy all kinds of comforts. Such a native remains famous for a very long period
- Rule 2 If digitally ( the moon becomes digitally strong between 10th lunar day of the bright and 8th lunar day of the the dark half fortnight ) and positionally strong moon be placed in either the 4th , 10th or 7th house aspected by venus and jupiter if then Vikram yoga comes into effect makes the native succeed in the profession depending upon the public approval .
- Vapi Yoga If all the planets be placed in the houses exculpating the 1st , 2nd , & 12th house the combination creates the famous whose effect make the native succeed in all his pursuit and leave his or her impact on the sands of time .
- Shankha Yoga If the lord of the lagna be strong with the 5th lord and the 6th lord be placed in the mutually in a kendra 1st , 4th , 7th or 10th position from each other shankha yoga comes into effect which ensures success in the profession of intellectual pursuits including the films and tv sphere .
- Srinath Yoga If the 7th lord be in the 10th house while an exalted 10th lord be placed in the 9th house this yoga is called Srinath yoga comes into play . Such a native is lucky lover of his family and gradually rises to great heights of success .
- Kahal Yoga A powerful lagna lord with the 9th lord and the 4th lord be mutually in a kendra house the yoga kahal comes into play . Such natives get great success in the action oriented pursuits including that of performing arts .
- Khanga Yoga The native of this khanga yoga constituted if the lord of lagna be placed in a kendra or trikona house with the 9th lord in the 2nd and 2nd lord in the 9th house become darling of masses.
- Raj Yoga If mars be posited in the third house from the moon the saturn in the 7th from mars. Venus in the 7th from saturn and jupiter in the 7th from venus the potent raj yoga comes into play to make native a celebrated artist .
- Budhaditya Yoga If the sun and mercury be placed together in any house in such a way that their mutual; difference be more than 10 degrees budhaditya yoga comes into play . the native becomes a fluent speaker and prowess . if the planets be in the houses owned by the two planets i.e either in leo or virgo or gemini this yoga shows its most brilliant effect .
- Vidyut Yoga An exalted lord of the 11th house the lord of the lagna in a kendra house with venus form this much vaunted vidyut yoga which makes the person successful in visual media .
- Gandharva Yoga If the 10th lord be placed in a kendra or trikona house the lord of lagna be in a kendra position from Jupiter the sun be powerful directionally as well as intrinsically in exaltation, still better and the moon be in the 9th house the native is sure to succeed in the field of arts performing arts as well as fine arts . He or she shall acquire renown and would live up to ripe old age . This yoga is called gandharva yoga . Those who excel marvelously in dramatic arts have this yoga .
- Shiva Yoga if the 5th lord be in the 9th house , lord of the 9th in 10th and the 10 th lord in the 5th house this yoga is called shiva yoga comes into play .it grants the native some divine powers to make him succeed in any sphere .
- Malika Yoga If all planets barring rahu and ketu be placed in the consecutive house from any house the malika yoga comes into effect whose resultant effect makes the native succeed in any profession . But for success in the sphere in the sphere of tv and films the graham malika should better start from 5th house.
Note :- The first five yoga’s are called pancha mahapurusha yogas which are very auspicious yoga . The presence of gajakesari yoga ensures material wealth.

By : Famous Astrologer Anand Soni, Dr. Anand Soni, based in Pune, India, is a distinguished astrologer with over three decades of experience. His extensive knowledge and expertise have garnered him numerous prestigious titles and accolades, establishing him as a prominent figure in the field of astrology.
Born on December 10, 1975, in Pune, India, Dr. Soni discovered his passion for astrology early in life. He pursued rigorous studies across various astrological disciplines, laying a robust foundation for his illustrious career.
Since 1990, Dr. Soni has actively practiced astrology, evolving from a personal consultant to a renowned author, trainer, and advisor. His approach integrates traditional astrological principles with contemporary insights, offering guidance that is both timeless and relevant to modern challenges.
Titles and Awards: Dr. Soni’s expertise is acknowledged through a multitude of titles and awards, underscoring his proficiency in astrology, Vastu Shastra, and Hast Samudrik (palmistry). Some of his accolades include:
- Vidya Vachaspati
- Vishwa Jyotish Samrat
- Jyotish Shastri
- Jyotish Pandit
- Jyotish Shri Daivagna Shiromani
- Jyotish Mahamaha Padhyaya
- Vishwa Jyotish Shiromani
- Jyotish Vidya Vachaspati
- Graha Ratna Sagar
- Jyotish Ratna
- Vastu Martand
- Vastu Pandit
- Vastu Sagar
- Jyotish Bhushan
- Jyotish Vidya Bhushan
- Karmakand Bhaskar
- Jyotish Vedacharya
- Jyotish Nivaran Vidyalankar
- Vastu Dosh Nivaran Visharad
- Hast Samudrik Mahagyancharya
- Vastushastra Bhishma
- Hasta Mudrik Sagar
- Daivagna Maharishi
- Jyotish Martand
- Jyotish Sidhanta Shastra Ramal Shastra Sagar
- Jyotish Mahagyanacharya
- Raj Jyotish
- Brahm Gupt Award
As an educator, Astrologer Anand Soni has significantly enriched the field of astrology. He mentors aspiring astrologers, sharing his extensive knowledge and practical experience. Through his writings, he bridges ancient Astrologer Anand Sonint wisdom with contemporary applications, making astrology accessible and pertinent in today’s world.
In Pune, renowned for its cultural richness, Dr. Anand Soni is a revered figure in the astrological community. His practice attracts a diverse clientele seeking his profound insights into personal and professional matters. Dr. Soni’s commitment to excellence and his dedication to both clients and students have fostered a legacy of trust and admiration.
Anand Soni’s career exemplifies his steadfast pursuit of excellence in astrology. His numerous accolades, coupled with his active role in education and consultation, attest to his mastery of astrological sciences. As astrology continues to evolve, Dr. Soni remains a guiding beacon, inspiring and enlightening all who seek his wisdom.
To learn more about astrologer Anand Soni’s services and to schedule a consultation, please visit the contact section of his website. His commitment to helping others through the science of astrology and allied disciplines makes him a trusted and esteemed advisor in Pune and beyond. Whether in-person or through online astrology services, Anand Soni continues to lead and innovate in the field, solidifying his status as one of the best astrologers in Pune.